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Complaints and Appeal Mechanism

Do you have a concern?

The primary objective of the SSI Complaints and Appeal Mechanism is to ensure that complaints related to the implementation of SSI policies, procedures, and operating processes are addressed in a timely, comprehensive, transparent, and effective manner. 

Complaints about the SSI Secretariat and Governance, SSI members, certified member sites, and approved SSI Assessment Bodies or assessors should be addressed using the form below.

Who Can Make a Complaint?

Any of the following parties can make a complaint:

  • Individuals or entities affected by the actions of an SSI member.
  • Individuals or entities affected by a decision related to SSI certification or membership.
  • Parties having grievances against an SSI-approved Assessment Body or assessor.

Initial Enquiries

Disagreements or issues should ideally be addressed at the lowest level first. This involves raising the complaint directly with the person or organisation subject to the complaint, allowing them an opportunity to respond or rectify the situation. For example, one must attempt to first resolve complaints against assessment bodies via the assessment body’s own complaints mechanism.

Making a Complaint

Before submitting a formal complaint, consider the following:

  • Ensure the complaint is within the scope of the SSI Complaints Procedure.
  • Include specific and objective evidence to support your submission, which will be reviewed by an external independent party.
  • Use the SSI Complaint & Appeals Form, accessible on the SSI website, to submit the complaint.
  • Complaints can be submitted anonymously.

What Will Happen to My Complaint?

Upon submission of a formal complaint:

  • The SSI will ensure that the complaint is investigated impartially by a third party.
  • Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged within five calendar days.
  • Based on acceptance criteria, the complaint will be accepted or rejected within 15 calendar days.
  • If rejected, the complainant will be informed of the reason and options for resubmission.
  • If accepted, the complainant can opt for informal mediation before proceeding to an investigation.


Complainants raising a complaint with the SSI need not disclose their identity if they choose to maintain their anonymity. Confidential concerns will be handled with utmost discretion, and disclosure will only occur if there is a legal or regulatory obligation to do so.

If you have a complaint or grievance, we encourage you to follow this process to ensure a fair and thorough resolution. Your feedback is crucial in maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the Solar Stewardship Initiative.

Download the SSI Complaints & Appeals Procedure

Make a Complaint

If you would like to make a complaint, please do so using the form below.