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Test Application Page

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla congue cursus est, in hendrerit libero. Donec id consectetur ipsum. Nullam in accumsan purus. Vestibulum finibus ex nunc, at placerat neque suscipit sed. Ut arcu dui, ultrices in egestas sed, auctor facilisis ipsum. Nullam rutrum ligula ex. Donec feugiat molestie elit, in lacinia ex gravida id. Nulla non hendrerit nulla. Ut nec risus diam. Nulla sit amet mi sed nunc consectetur ullamcorper vitae sit amet est. Pellentesque egestas felis ac bibendum dictum. Ut et libero sapien. Sed viverra eleifend turpis, non suscipit metus pulvinar ac. Nunc mattis feugiat dui, at gravida dolor malesuada at.

    Section 1: Member Contact Information

    Enter the name of the organisation or name of each entity in a group of legal entities. The name written here will be the name that appears on the SSI website.
    In the case of a group of entities that fall within the scope of the above applicant, but that are not all subsidiaries of the one entity, list all the relevant legal entities and their country of incorporation.

    Details of main company representative

    Finance contact to receive SSI invoices.

    Primary contact will also receive a copy of all SSI invoices.

    Different company name and/or address for invoices.

    If you wish SSI to use a different company name and/or address for SSI invoices instead of the details provided above, please add the alternative details here.

    Section 2: Membership Type

    How did you find out about SSI? Note: place an X in all relevant boxes:

    Section 3: Membership Commitment

    Membership will be confirmed once the SSI has done a due diligence evaluation and the Member has signed the SSI Principles, which will be sent via email once this initial form has been reviewed and accepted.

    Please also send your organisation's latest financial statements to [email protected]. Be sure to reference applicant company name in the subject.